Back in 2021 with the Covid-19 lockdown, we consolidated all tech blogs into a new space called Dewapost. This website is covering the topic of tech, creativity, security, gadgets, crypto and metaverse. You can find this website at What we wrote in this Dewacorp's blog will eventually copy to this new home tech blog.…
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Useful Findings in Bubble.IO NoCode NoCode Application Development
As we are doing rapid app development on Bubble.IO during Christmas break and skipped the video tutorial as usual :), we found a couple of challenges on how to do things as we are getting used to with code and SQL query in general. Here is some finding that we found and we would like…
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TSQL: The Discovery
[2022-06-29] As we consolidated all tech blogs into Dewapost website, we also post this blog into and we reformat the content to suit within their guideline. The Finding In SQL Server 2005, there is no inbuilt ROUNDUP and ROUNDDOWN function like on other SQL Server 2008 or 2012. To substitute this function is by…
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Business Intelligence: The Discovery
We compiled the resources for Business Intelligence area that we found interesting and relevant to this space throughout the net. Here's are some resources: Overview of Business Intelligence in Microsoft Office and SharePoint 2013 (Video) TechEd North America 2013 - sessions NOTE: Select Data Platform and Business Intelligence on the Track and type in "Sharepoint" on…
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